Here we explore the aspects of a 'toolstack' of digital tools for collaboration, that seem particularly relevant to working in wiki. This includes looking at wiki itself as a composite in the toolstack ecology, or bundle of affordances.
The toolstack notion is explored here . .
Here we bring up a framework about tools, arising from a decade or so of experimentation. It has three phases: trinity, stack and 'specials'.
. . and this is brought into a focus on an 'extended trinity' . .
Here we tweak the 'trinity/stack/specials' frame. On one hand, things have evolved since that frame was assembled (2019). On the other, some of the 'more specialised' tools seem to warrant being promoted to the top level of 'basic' tools.

Toolstack - Extended trinity
The extended trinity is where we'll start from here. wiki as affordances in trinity-space