DisCO practice aims for a high level of self- and mutual-awareness among coop members, with regard to their work contributions and livelihoods, and their contributions to commons transition and a living economy of care. A tacit capability of federated wiki is that it can be mobilised by skilled user-writers as an ‘awareness engine’. Here we develop our understanding of that capability, and of the gains to be made by DisCO workers, through **awareness of significant events and patterns**, as distinct from (and in relation to) the computation of value metrics.
Awareness engine - Twenty years back Sandor, Bogdan & Bowers were exploring an Awareness engline for CSCW researchgate . Also here NextCloud Here is an awareness engine, versioned in wiki: - Forked versions of a page (flags in the page header) - Recent changes (in the neighborhood) - Rosters (nominate your neighborhood)
**Facets of awareness** Wiki is a system that combines computational capability both in the browser (in tool plugins) and in server-side tools. Because wikis are federated, they carry tacit information of events (= Events in REA) and of accounts rendered (as edited page content) across the entire user community. The under-recognised capability of wiki for **event-based computation** constitutes a hugely under-developed potential for wiki as an **awareness engine**, as distinct from a powerful text-and-data **presentation tool** that lives in the browser, or a **distributed spreadsheet** (which are also wiki capabilities).
We consider five facets of awareness that can be facilitated by appropriately designed and mobilised tools in wiki . . - Server-side - Recent Changes, Neighborhood (rosters and search) ¿etc? - Server-side - Scrapes and analytics ¿etc¿ - Browser-side - Graph presentations - Awareness of systemic situation, pluriversality of Agents and Resources, mutuality of Agents, Resources & Events - Pages' text content (conceptualisation, codification, narrative) - Patterns, roles, ontology - REA, foprop §landscapes, ¿zones. See pattern-managing engine
>Facets of awareness - To be added xxx
**Cultural commons** We also consider practices of enjoying, curating and stewarding the wiki toolset, as a cultural commons . . - **Wiki literacy** among users - Exploiting tools: writing, applying and configuring plugins, recording resources and events, coding values. - **Cultural commons** - Contributing, stewarding, enjoying commons.
>Enjoying the wiki toolset as a cultural commons To be added xxx
**Awareness engine vs value spreadsheet** We discuss and assess the impact of an awareness engine on the **operational capability**, and on the **‘look and feel’**, of practice in a world of DisCOs, compared with (and combined with) calculations based on value metrics, with regard to . . - **Self awareness**/capability/contribution - the life and cultivation of a DisCO activist - **Mutual awareness**/capability/contribution - the scope of outcomes, and scale of outcomes - **Aesthetics**, feminist valuing and making, commonism
>Impact of an awareness engine To be added xxx